Critical-Point Dried Specimens

TS Bamboo Stem

Transverse fracture of the young stem of young Bamboo (Bambusa sp) stem demonstrating xylem and phloem bundles and heavily thickened (lignified) epidermal and hypodermal cells.

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Glandular Trichomes on Modified Leaf surface of of Butterwort

The insectivorous plant the butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) has modified leaves which bear tiny grandular trichomes which trap insects. The capitate head of the trichome then secretes protease enzymes to digest the insect parts.

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Mature Spruce Wood

Critical point dried block of mature spruce wood block demonstrating transverse, tangential and radial views of tracheids and vessels.

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Starch Grains in Potato Tuber

Critical point dried fractured cell from the tuber of potato (Solanum tuberosum) demonstrating thin cell walls starch grains (amyloplasts).

Critical-Point Dried Specimens


Critical point dried aphid on a leaf surface demonstrating wax strands and body segments.

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Bacteria with biofilm on a Plum tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) leaf.

Bacteria with biofilm on a Plum tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) leaf. Sample fixed and processed (LynxII) and dehydrated with Quorum K850 Critical Point Drier followed by 5nm Pt coating with Q150V S Plus.

Imaged by Dr Anna Walkiewicz, Applications Specialist

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Spores on a tomato leaf. Sample fixed, processed (Lynx II) and dehydrated with K850 Critical Point drier.

Spores on a tomato leaf. Sample fixed, processed (Lynx II) and dehydrated with K850 Critical Point drier.

Imaged by Dr Anna Walkiewicz, Applications Specialist

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Solanum Lycopersicum (Plum tomato) leaf with visible trichomes.

Solanum Lycopersicum (Plum tomato) leaf with visible trichomes. Sample fixed and processed (LynxII) and dehydrated with Quorum K850 Critical Point drier followed by 5nm Pt coating (Q150V S Plus).

Imaged by Dr Anna Walkiewicz, Applications Specialist

Critical-Point Dried Specimens

Solanum Lycopersicum (Plum tomato) leaf decorated with spider silk (visible spider silk glue).

Solanum Lycopersicum (Plum tomato) leaf decorated with spider silk (visible spider silk glue). Sample fixed and processed (LynxII) and dehydrated with K850  Critical Point drier followed by coating with 5nm Pt in Q150V S Plus.

Imaged by Dr Anna Walkiewicz, Applications Specialist



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Laughton, East Sussex.

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