Quorum Technologies and TESCAN have teamed up to bring you an exclusive opportunity to experience a demo at their laboratory by attending an interactive introduction of the TESCAN AMBER cryo FIB-SEM workstation with Quorum PP3010 for cryo TEM lamella preparation.
We will be looking at:
- Techniques for plunge-frozen samples with “on-grid” lamella preparation, also high-pressure frozen samples with cryoTEM lamella lift-out will be discussed directly on the microscope
- Looking at the versatility of the system, which allows not only the cryo TEM lamella preparations, but also a large range of techniques at room temperature (e.g. X-sectioning, 3D FIB-SEM tomography, but also Array Tomography or Serial Block-Face Imaging are possible from resin embedded samples).
If you would like to experience an extensive integration of the cryo solution, take the opportunity and visit us at TESCAN in our demo labs on Tuesday, the 6th of September 2022 at 9:00 AM.
We will take care of the transfer from hotel to TESCAN and back to the conference centre.
This is an exclusive demonstration, with only 10 places available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please fill out the form below