quorumtech, Author at Quorum Technologies Ltd


06/09/2020by quorumtech

To all our customers, suppliers and partners, I hope that you, your family and friends are safe and well. As the effects of the CoViD-19 outbreak are felt more acutely across the world, I wanted to let you know about the measures that Quorum Technologies has put in place to counter the impact of the pandemic on our business and what we are doing to support users of Quorum equipment during this difficult time.

Quorum Technologies remains open for business 

Quorum Technologies specialises in the manufacture of sample preparation equipment for Electron Microscopy, a key technology in medical research, and many of our customers are directly involved in research into the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Therefore, it’s essential we stay in operation to support our customers in this vital work.

Our factory at Judges House remains open and production staff continue to work on-site to build and ship equipment. Staff are required to comply with social-distancing measures while at work and to follow strict guidelines on handwashing and sanitisation of work areas.

In keeping with the instructions issued by the U.K. government, all other staff have been directed to work from home, where possible.

Communication during the crisis 

Judges House has been closed to external visitors until further notice. If you have an existing appointment to visit the factory, your counterpart at Quorum will contact you to arrange an alternative means of holding the meeting.

When contacting Quorum by phone, please use the main switchboard number, +44 (0) 1323 810981, and your call will be redirected to the appropriate number.

Due to an expected increase in absences due to illness, we cannot guarantee that individual staff members will be always available. Therefore, we ask that you direct your calls and emails to teams, rather than to individuals.

Our team emails are:  

Supply of goods and services 

Our Purchasing team has been working closely with our suppliers to ensure a continued supply of key parts and we are currently able to manufacture all products in our standard price list.

However, if global supply chains are disrupted, this may have an impact on our ability to supply certain products. Customers with an urgent need to guarantee supply should contact the sales team as soon as possible to discuss.

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to reserve certain products for customers engaged in essential research, in which case we ask for your understanding.

You can reach our sales team via the main switchboard number or by emailing them at [email protected].

Our ability to travel within the UK and overseas is constrained due to government requirements to limit “non-essential” travel. We recognise that our equipment can be vital to research and our team of service engineers stands ready to travel where possible, for example, to help with requests for essential service at medical institutions researching the coronavirus. Where travel is not allowed, we will do our best to offer remote support by phone or email.

You can reach our service team via the main switchboard number or by emailing them at [email protected].

These are extraordinary times. More than ever, we at Quorum are committed to doing what we can to support the work of all the scientists and researchers who use and rely on our equipment. We will keep you updated on further changes but please do not hesitate to contact us in the meantime if you have any concerns or questions.

Thank you for working with Quorum Technologies.

Yours sincerely,
Tony Larkin

Managing Director
Quorum Technologies Ltd.


04/15/2020by quorumtech

Quorum Technologies Ltd has recently installed a PP3010 Cryo preparation system at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute in Reutlingen, Germany. The PP3010 was fitted on to their Zeiss 550 Crossbeam to help with the laboratory’s research projects into Materials and Life Sciences.

Quorum’s PP3010 removes the need for conventional preparation methods and allows for the observation of specimens in their natural hydrated state. This is essential for the study of biological, wet or beam sensitive specimens, and crucial for specific studies and medical advances.

Quorum’s service team was called on to make the installation in Germany at the NMI, Reutlingen, in March. Following a successful install, the team at the institute is now up and running in their research efforts.

The NMI is a member of the Innovation Alliance Baden-Württemberg. It is involved in application-oriented research at the interface between the life sciences and material science. An interdisciplinary team of scientists is developing new technologies for companies and public research sponsors in the areas of pharma and biotechnology, biomedical technology, and surface and materials technology.

The service engineer who travelled out to Germany was supported by the team back in the UK, where Quorum continues to remain operational to support their key customers and partners.

Click here for more information on the PP3010 

Visit the NMI website and to see their current work


12/04/2019by quorumtech

Press release: 4 December 2019, Judges Scientific plc

Judges Scientific, a group involved in the buy and build of scientific instrument businesses, announces that its wholly owned subsidiary Quorum Technologies Limited (“Quorum”) has today acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Moorfield Nanotechnology Limited (“Moorfield” or the “Acquisition”), a maker of coating instruments based in Knutsford, Cheshire. The Board expects the Acquisition to be immediately earnings enhancing. 


07/22/2019by quorumtech

There can be no doubt that Cryo-(T)EM is a hot topic following the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for its development. Many cryo-techniques have been around for over 40 years and are in use in both academic and industrial settings applied to a full range of soft matter and materials samples beyond single particle analysis of proteins. Course attendees will also have the opportunity to see our PP3010 working with the new cryo rotate stage, with Bob Morrison available to answer questions.

This course looks to educate scientists and engineers to the full range of cryo-techniques, who are looking to characterise, analyse and understand structure / function of their samples where stabilisation of volatiles (often water) is required.

Topics covered are expected to include:

  • Sample preparation / stabilisation (high-pressure freezing / plunge freezing)
  • Freeze-substitution / ultramicrotomy
  • Cryo-fluorescence microscopy / correlative microscopy
  • Cryo-TEM
  • Cryo-SEM / Cryo-FIB-SEM
  • Cryo X-Ray microscopy
  • Cryo-TOF-SIMS

The course will be delivered by an international group of world-renowned speakers, staff from the NMRC, Nottingham and representatives from many commercial partners. The course is a mix of both lecture style presentations and hands-on practical sessions, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and explore the range of cryo-techniques on offer. By the end of the week attendees will have a good understanding of cryo-principles and appropriate usage of cryo-techniques as well as developing a network of contacts for the future.

Book now shar.es/a0VkCr


07/30/2018by quorumtech

Quorum Technologies, the market leader in coating and cryo-prep solutions for electron microscopy (EM), is set to launch its latest product range in August. The Q Plus Series is comprised of a range of versatile coaters that provide sputtering and carbon evaporation, with the ability to deliver both in a single combined system. The flagship Q150V Plus offers users the ability to coat samples at pressures in the 10-6 mbar range. The Q150V Plus will make its debut at the Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) 2018 show, in Baltimore.

The Q Plus updates the highly successful Q Series, used by thousands of EM laboratories around the world. The range now includes the high-performance Q150V Plus, due to its enhanced vacuum capabilities it can produce ultra-fine carbon coated TEM films of the highest quality.

Like its predecessors, the new Q Plus series has been developed to provide a common platform with versatility in mind. The new case design provides clear visibility of the smart touchscreen interface, and easy access for changing coating inserts and sample stages. It also provides a multi-colour LED visual status indication of process stages and audible notification at the end of the process.

All models offer intuitive controls and extensive menu options, which allow users to create and store their own unique coating recipes, adjust material types and system functions, and access historical coating log files via the new USB port.

The Q150V Plus joins the Q150R Plus, a rotary-pumped system suitable for sputter and carbon coating for tungsten electron microscope (W-SEM) applications, and the Q150T Plus, a turbomolecular-pumped carbon and metal evaporation coater for SEM, TEM and thin film applications.

For larger samples, the Q300 Plus Series coaters are available for coating samples up to 200mm in diameter. Both models are suitable for the treatment of smaller samples through single-target selection and can also be fitted with an optional film thickness monitor.

Tony Larkin (Quorum’s  Managing Director) said: “The new Q Plus Series of coaters is designed to meet the demands of modern electron microscopy while remaining easy and intuitive to use. With the introduction of the Q150V Plus we can now offer users exceptional super fine coating to improve their imaging results.

“The common platform makes it simple for users to move from one model to another and understand its operation, while the ability to store multi-user unique recipes enables more than one person to share a single device without having to change the settings.

“With a wide variety of drop-in specimen stages and extensive options including glow discharge and film thickness monitoring, the Q Plus Series offers unrivalled versatility to electron microscopy laboratories.”

Visit Quorum Technologies at the EMS booth (616) at Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) 2018 between the 5-9 August 2018. 


02/01/2018by quorumtech

The University of Bristol prepared samples of fossilised skin for SEM imaging as part of the characterisation of a sea dragon skeleton aged more than 200 million years, which was featured in the BBC documentary, Attenborough and the Sea Dragon.

David Attenborough has been fascinated by fossils since he was a boy. It was not therefore surprising to find him down on the Dorset coast of England to film the latest discovery of fellow experienced fossil collector, Chris Moore. The full story is told in a wonderful BBC documentary called Attenborough and the Sea Dragon.

The seas in Jurassic times, around 200 million years ago were ruled by large dolphin-like creatures called ichthyosaurs. Not unique in terms of being found as fossils, the recent discovery in the limestone cliffs west of the village of Lyme Regis turned into a very special find. The story began with the careful removal of the skeleton embedded in the rocks. Back in Moore’s laboratory, it was very carefully cleaned with all rock removed to reveal the bones of the ichthyosaur. However, it was not fully characterised. The final shape and size of the creature, known also as a sea dragon, had to be predicted from various scientific analyses. The skeleton was quite large in terms of 3-4 metres (in multiple pieces). Initial studies were made using computerised tomography at the University of Southampton and the National Veterinary College. The data was analysed at the University of Bristol from which it was possible to construct a complete ichthyosaur. Further work on the bones revealed more details of the life and death of this skeleton.


One very interesting aspect of the characterisation process was made after further removal of rock debris around individual bones of the skeleton. Samples of skin were carefully scraped away and were analysed at the University of Bristol in the Schools of Earth and Biological Sciences. Researcher Fiann Smithwick takes up the story. “Once we had the skin separated, we wanted to image it using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to find out about the sub-micron features and try to identify components such as pigments as these would indicate how light or dark the skin of the ichthyosaur was 200 million years ago.

However, before we could image the specimen, we had to make it conductive. Fossil samples are normally insulators and are hard to image in an SEM without coating due to a build-up of charge on the surface, which distorts the images. To prevent this, a thin, uniform gold coating was applied to dozens of samples (Quorum Q150R ES rotary pumped sputter coater). We were then able to identify 0.5 micrometre structures called melanosomes.

These are organelles found in animal cells and are the site for synthesis, storage and transport of melanin, the most common light-absorbing pigment found in the animal kingdom. By looking at samples taken from the top and bottom of the ichthyosaur,we could see that it had lots of pigment on the top, but very little on the underside, suggesting that it had a dark back and light belly.


This is a colour pattern called countershading seen today in animals like sharks and dolphins but the first time it has been reported for an ichthyosaur. Countershading is thought to act as camouflage in living animals but may also provide protection against UV light and to help regulate body temperature.” This contrast is well shown here in this cgi reconstruction of the ichthyosaur.

As the final reconstruction of a 3D image of the ichthyosaur was completed, it became clear this particular specimen was a previously unknown species having larger front paddles than others. Overall, the “new” ichthyosaur would have measured nearly 4½ metres. This shows the reconstructed image of the ichthyosaur’s head.1

It is amazing how much can be discovered from a single fossil. Digital reconstruction has enabled the research team at Bristol to build an image of this animal to see it looked and moved 200 million years ago. The SEM imaging revealed countershading for the first time. Science has added to the story to characterise the life of an ichthyosaur, filling a further gap in the palaeontology jigsaw. As Dr Attenborough says, “Fossils give you an extraordinary vivid insight into what the world looked like millions of years before human beings even appeared on this planet.”


11/07/2017by quorumtech

The challenge of imaging using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is the ability to keep samples in their natural state, hence the requirement to employ cryo sample prep and the selection of Quorum’s PP3000T system for the task.

Ir Davy Van de Walle is a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Food Technology & Engineering at the University of Ghent. He works for the head of the laboratory, Professor Koen Dewettinck. Their mission is to design foods on the nano- and microscale, which provide the answer to the consumer demand for new products that are tasty, satisfying, healthy, convenient and inexpensive to produce. Moreover, this may create added value to by-products and contribute to overall socio-economic welfare. Put more simply, they want to understand how ingredient interactions and processing affect the quality attributes (texture, mouthfeel and taste among others) of foods (dairy products, margarines/shortenings and chocolate products in particular).

Mr Van de Walle describes the background and execution of the imaging process in detail: “Because a field emission gun (FEG) is used in high resolution SEM, it needs to be placed in an ultra-high vacuum of 10-7 to 10-8 Pa. Consequently, these extreme vacuum conditions require that the specimen must not release any gas or vapour when inserted into the SEM. Except for powdered foods such as flour, sugar or milk powder, most foods contain water. Scanning electron microscopes at lower vacuum conditions (Low-Vacuum SEM, Variable Pressure SEM and Environmental SEM) can be used to examine wet, oily and non-conductive samples in their natural state. In this way, there is no need to dry or freeze the specimen. This is particularly useful with fragile food samples. However, cryo-SEM is the most appropriate technique in food research because of its extremely high resolution.

The goal of the cryo-SEM is to vitrify the liquid phase with all the constituents, i.e. macromolecules, thus preserving them in their natural and original state. This process is achieved with the use of the Quorum PP3000T cryo sample preparation system. The initial rapid cooling of the sample is the most critical part in the use of the cryo-SEM system. A slush of liquid N2 (-210 °C) is used for the fast freezing to minimize any damage ice crystals may cause. Following, the sample is transferred under vacuum to the cold stage of the preparation chamber, which is mounted on the SEM chamber. The sample can be fractured to expose internal microstructure, etched to reveal greater detail and coated with metal (e.g. Pt) by sputtering. Finally, the sample is transferred into the SEM chamber where it is mounted on a cold stage specifically tailored to the SEM.”

Describing the background to choosing the Quorum sample preparation system, Mr Van de Walle said the process followed a tender procedure involving several FEG-SEM vendors. “Several companies (e.g. Jeol and Hitachi) offered their FEG-SEM in combination with the Quorum preparation chamber. During our meetings with these suppliers, they recommended Quorum as being the best performing. We have been very satisfied with our choice and the group has started to publish papers where the cryo prep system has been invaluable. One example is the PhD research1 of Dr Phuong Diem Tran in which the applicability of cryo-SEM for storage stability testing of pralines is reported. These pralines suffered from fat and sugar bloom. These phenomena are illustrated in the images below. Further work including the fat bloom examples have been published in a paper in the European Journal for Lipid Science Technology.2”


1.    P D Tran, (2017). Novel strategies to develop filled chocolates for the tropics – PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium, 258p.

2.    Controlling the stability of chocolates through the incorporation of soft and hard StOSt-rich fats; P D Tran et al, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2015, 117, 0000–0000, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201400584.


10/10/2017by quorumtech

Quorum Technologies is pleased to announce the opening of a new demonstration laboratory at Nanjing Agricultural University, China, in association with distributors, Nanjing Tansi Technology Company.

Managing Director, Tony Larkin, was recently in Nanjing in China to open a new demonstration laboratory at Nanjing Agricultural University in association with distributor partners, the Nanjing Tansi Technology Company. Along with Commercial Director, Robert Hennig, Tony was present as Head of the Laboratory, Professor He, invited colleagues and potential new Chinese customers to see his electron microscope demonstrated with the Quorum PP3010T Cryo-SEM sample preparation system.

The PP3010T is the latest generation of cryo-SEM technology and combines the highest quality results with unparalleled ease of use. It is a highly automated, column-mounted, gas-cooled cryo-SEM preparation and cryo-transfer system, which is suitable for most makes and models of W-SEM, FE-SEM and FIB/SEM. Professor He says “the PP3010T is very useful in our work. It helps to reveal images of biological samples in their real state.”

Speaking about Tansi’s investment in equipment, Tony said “I am delighted with the opportunity to work with Professor He and his team. They will be of tremendous assistance to our Chinese distributors. With access to our cryo-prep and coating systems in Professor He’s laboratory, Tansi are now able to show their customers the latest Quorum technologies. This follows on from similar commitments from our US partners, EMS, whose laboratory has one of the most comprehensive demonstration and training facilities outside of our own factory in Laughton. With more partners at facilities in Brno in the Czech Republic and UK universities including Nottingham and Leeds, we will continue to grow our support network as we seek to bring new advances through collaborations with our users worldwide.”


08/10/2017by quorumtech

With a wide range of samples to analyse and imaging requirements from the micron to the nanometre level, a reproducible and solid coating system was an essential requirement.

William (Bill) Luckhurst heads up the operation and maintenance of the instrumentation facilities of the Physics Department of King’s College, London. With nearly forty years’ experience, Bill has seen the development of many techniques including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), thin film thermal evaporation and vacuum design & practice. These days, Bill and his colleague, Dr Ben Blackburn, are responsible for managing the use of the instrumentation, providing training and induction to new users. Bill also has many PhD students using the equipment as well as other University of London and private, industrial users. With high running costs, the laboratories have to be kept running 24/7 to earn their keep and to support the growing research activities such as the Physics Department Photonics research group.

Having modern, easy-to-use and reliable equipment are some of Bill’s criteria when he goes out to source new instrumentation. With a wide range of samples to analyse with imaging requirements from the micron to the nanometre level, a reproducible and solid coating system is essential. As Professor Al-Jamal Khuloud from the Pharmacy Department has said “coating our samples, submicron nanoparticles of a variety of shapes and dimensions, with thin layers of gold prior to SEM imaging not only enhances image contract, it conducts charge away from the surface.” Such requirements were important factors when Bill came to purchase a new coater around 18 months ago.

Bill takes up the story: “Procurement rules insist on three quotations and then a justification case for the purchase. When I requested a demonstration, Quorum were by far the most responsive of manufacturers. Other vendors were either not really interested or their products turned out to be prohibitively expensive. The QT150T ES was exactly what I needed at a price that I could afford in a package that looked good, was easy to use and maintain. The sample stages supplied with the instrument allow a diverse range of samples to be coated; the rotating planetary sample holder is particularly useful as it allows the even coating of irregular shaped samples. The user instruction and programming screen is a wheeze to use; tuition times for new users are around ten minutes and everyone is very happy. Additionally some researchers use the coater for other applications where they want a thin coherent film up to say 50 nm produced by a cold process where conventional thermal evaporation could damage a delicate surface.”

* Dr Ben Blackburn of the Physics Department, King’s College London, uses the Quorum Q150T ES coater to prepare samples for analysis by SEM.



Judges House, Lewes Road,
Laughton, East Sussex.

+44 1323 810981


[email protected]


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8.30 – 4.00 pm Fri

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